SEO Analytics Tools

Once your website is up and running you will want to know how many people are coming to your site, how they are getting there, what pages they are viewing when they arrive and how long they are staying. For this you will need a website analytics package. can help you with all these tools.

  • There are a wide variety of analytics packages, ranging in cost from free to several hundred thousand dollars each month, Please info please contact our SEO team.
  • Each analytics package measures data in its own way, so it's not uncommon for two programs to have slightly different results from the same set of data.

  • Additionally, each package provides a different level of detail and granularity, so you should have some idea what you are looking for before purchasing a package.
  • The two main methods of implementation are log files and JavaScript tracking.
  • The most commonly used analytics package is Google Analytics.

A good general overall linking strategy is to slowly acquire links from as many trusted sources as possible, with a wide variety of anchor text, to both your home page and sub-pages. If, over a short period of time, you gain too many links with similar words in the anchor text, from a few or low-trusted websites, to a limited number of pages, this would create an unnatural linking profile. Your website will be penalized or filtered by search engines for such behavior.

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Response and Header Codes

When your web server serves a page there is a special code that tells the browser or spider the status of the file served.

  • A 200 response code means the page serves normally.
  • If not configured correctly, some web servers will serve a 200 code even when a file is missing.
  • This can create a problem when search engines index a lot of blank empty pages.
  • A 404 is the response code when a page or file doesn't exist.
  • To improve usability, set up a custom 404 page with a message explaining what happened, a search box, and links to popular pages from your website.

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Duplicate Content

The content from any page should only exist on one URL.

  • If the same content exists under multiple URLs, search engines will interpret this as duplicate content.
  • Subsequently, the search engines will try to make a best guess as to the best URL for your content.
  • If this condition is true for a large amount of your pages, your website may be judged low quality and be filtered out of the search results.

Duplicate Titles

Every page of your website should have a unique title. When a search engine sees duplicate titles it will try to judge the better page and eliminate the other from the index.

  • Duplicate Meta Descriptions : If a large number of pages have identical or very similar meta descriptions, these pages may be filtered for low quality and excluded from the index.
  • Poor or Low Quality Content : In an attempt to create a large number of pages very quickly, many people will employ automated solutions that end up generating pages with fill-in-the-blank or gibberish content. Search engines are getting better at catching this condition and filtering these sites from the index.

Common SEO Problems

You can build a website with great content and institute an effective marketing plan, yet still be foiled by technical issues. Here are some of the most common problems : Robots.txt File.

  • A robots.txt file communicates what pages or sections of your website you want search engines to crawl.
  • A common mistake is blocking search engine spiders from a section or entire site you want indexed.
  • You can learn how to create a robots.txt file from Google Guidelines.
  • Google's Webmaster Central has a tool to let you verify that your robots.txt file is performing how you'd like.

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Black hat SEO and Spamming

Some people engage in tactics or methods that violate search engine guidelines to achieve higher rankings.

  • They can employ a wide variety of tactics including (but not limited to):
    • Keyword stuffing
    • Link spamming
    • Paid linking
    • Artificial link schemes
    • Sneaky or deceptive redirects
  • If you employ a tactic that seems to involve tricks or is done primarily to manipulate search engines and artificially inflate rankings, you can be considered to be engaged in blackhat SEO or spamming. This has repercussions for any site you work with, and should be avoided. (For more detailed information, review Google's guidelines.)
  • Good SEO takes time, as you need to develop great content and a strong community voice. But this is just what the Internet needs: high-quality pages that provide a valuable service to users.

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