Meta Keywords and Descriptions

Headlines and Page Headings

Page headings (also known as H tags) are structural elements used to divide a page into meaningful sections.

  • They number from H1 through H6, with H1 being the most important and H6 being the least.
  • Your page should only have one H1 tag.
  • You can use as many other H2-H6 tags as you want, as long as you don't abuse them by keyword stuffing.
  • Many people have their H1 match their title tag.
  • You can make them different, which allows you to use a wider array of keywords and to create more compelling entries for humans.
  • By default H tags are large and bold. You can use CSS to make them appear however you'd like on a page.

Bold and Italics

Bolding and italicizing fonts doesn't impact search engine rankings. Use these fonts for visual or other formatting reasons, not to affect your standing in search engines. Internal Anchor Text and Links.

Anchor text refers to the words that are clickable in a link. Internal anchor text are the words that link to other parts of your site.

  • Anchor text is one of the mechanisms search engines use to tell what a page is about.
  • If you link to a page with the words Blue widgets, search engines think you are trying to tell it the page on the other end of the link is about blue widgets.
  • By using consistent or similar anchor text every time you link to a page, search engines gets a better understanding of what a page is about.
  • Avoid using anchor text that doesn't contain keywords (i.e., anchor text that reads "click here") whenever possible.

These factors are largely ignored by search engines due to abuse in the past.

  • In some cases having identical keywords and descriptions across an entire website has been shown to be a slightly negative factor in ranking.
  • The meta description will appear under the title when your website shows up in a search engine result.
  • Therefore, create a unique description that is well-written and eye-catching.

Content Considerations

Content refers to the pages and articles on your website, excluding your template. Creating content that is entertaining, interesting, educational, informative, funny, or compelling in some other way is the best way for you to encourage people to visit your site frequently, link to you, and ultimately improve your rankings. The more unique and interesting your content is, the more value it has to your site's visitors. For example, there are millions of websites about Website designers. There are very few websites about putting your website designers in a Paris, your website designers needs to do new things. Think of your content as your point of differentiation.

Most content falls into three different categories : boilerplate, news, and evergreen.

Boilerplate Content

Boilerplate content is general information.

  • Your about us page, testimonials, contact information, privacy contract, and terms of service constitute boilerplate content.
  • These pages exist to help website visitors get to know you, learn to trust you, and feel comfortable sharing information or making a purchase from you.

News Content

News content is content that has a short-term lifespan.

  • News pages can remain relevant for a few hours, or even a few months.
  • Eventually people stop searching for the term and the page will get very little traffic after that.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content which has a long lifespan. An example of long term content is How to Paint a Room.

  • Techniques for painting your interior rooms aren't going to change much for the foreseeable future.
  • The number of people who are searching to learn how to paint a room will remain fairly constant from one year to the next.

Most websites have a blend of news and evergreen content. This will vary from one industry to the next. Gadgets and technology websites will have more news content, whereas websites about William Shakespeare will have more evergreen content.

Creating good content is only part of the equation. Once you have the good content, you have to make sure other people know about it, read it, link to it, or tell other people they know about it. For new websites you will have to engage in more proactive marketing.

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